Go to Kaspersky Support, select your location, then select Product help, then choose a communication channel → E-mail, Online Chat, or Phone → we just confirmed with the Online Chat Team, they say they are all trained to cancel Auto-renewal subscriptions.There’s a number of options available now to cancel auto-renewal: Hello MyKaspersky portal has changed, in the changed portal: My Kaspersky | Licenses, *** Detail*** no longer exists, Kaspersky have yet to publish new documentation, to reflect the changes however, the old documentation remains correct for Kaspersky Customers that have not yet had the portal upgrade. I would like cancel my auto renewal but when I go the the Licenses on MY Kaspersky, that is no ‘Detail’ option for me to click on to cancel the auto renewal. Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool для Бизнеса 11.Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business 43.Kaspersky Small Office Security & Management Console 89.Virus and Ransomware related questions 70.