Thanks Fixed Assassin's Hasisas has a working description again. Thanks Fixed kTOS and kTEST Skill cooldown and SP consumption is working again. Fixed Level cap has been updated to 420 (due to limitations this has been applied to all regions).Notice Next I'll be working on significantly reducing the loading time and reduce the amount of bugs due to new game patches.Bug Loading time has increased, due to the new Map and NPC information.New Added Collections/Treasures locations.primus equipment and all other unidentified equipment) New Added zone-level drop information (e.g.Thanks New Added Maps, which includes an interactive minimap for visualizing the location of NPCs and Monsters spawns Thanks Fixed Fixed the drop chance for the loot tables (e.g. Primus drop information in Astral Tower 1F). Fixed Added the missing drop information for some maps (e.g.Thanks Improved Improved search for kTOS and kTEST Fixed Search is now working correctly for twTOS.I'm now back to reworking a big part of tos.guru to improve the performance, add more data, etc. Thanks Notice Sorry for the lack of updates but last month I've been finishing my university. Thanks Fixed CaptionRatio2 for Heal is being calculated again. Fixed SkillFactors are being calculated again.Fixed Translations are no longer missing for the new classes in the twTOS Simulator.I'm still working on a major rework for the entire website, you can follow the development over at my discord. Thanks Notice Sorry for the lack of updates but I haven't had much free time over the past months. Fixed Automatic updates are working again for all regions.Thanks Fixed Added support for Special Costume skins (inside the Database > Equipment section) Fixed Cooldown and SP are being calculated correctly again.Fixed Added support to the new 4ever Arks, Classes, Trinkets.Notice Merry Chritmas 🎅 and a Happy New Year 🎆!.