But when they attempt to rob a bank with actor Josh Birk, who is to play a Saint’s member, their everyday routine takes an unlikely turn when the bank tellers unexpectedly start an all out gun war on the saints. THQ, CyberFront, Square Enix, Deep SilverĪ while after the Ultor Corporation falls, the 3rd Street Saints have turned their street gang into a media empire, becoming icons and household names across the world, with their own energy drink, Japanese commercials, toys, a large fanbase, and a movie deal in the works. PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch Unlike the first two games, these three gangs are all controlled by a criminal organization known as The Syndicate, which the saints must also deal with. In Saints Row: The Third, these three gangs are the Morningstar, the Luchadores, and the Deckers. Much like the first two games, the story revolves around the Saints destroying and absorbing three rival gangs, taking over the city in the process. Saints Row: The Third is the first Saints Row game that takes place in the city of Steelport.

13 Conclusion Saints Row: The Third Summary