Kingsguard armor game of thrones
Kingsguard armor game of thrones

kingsguard armor game of thrones

They are also sworn not to harm any member of the royal family. The Kingsguard are sworn to protect the queen, though not from anything the king might do. Some kings have chosen to extend this protection to their wives, children, and other relatives, and some have even chosen to grant this protection to their lovers, mistresses, and bastards. The king can decide to extend the protection offered by the Kingsguard to others. They are sworn to obey the king's commands, to keep his secrets, to counsel him when requested and to keep silent when not, and to defend his name and honor. The first duty of the Kingsguard is defending the king from harm. Aemon Targaryen and Lewyn Martell continued to use the style of "prince", while Lord Commanders Ryam Redwyne, Criston Cole, and Marston Waters also acted as Hand of the King, and Ser Jaime Lannister was named Warden of the East. Regardless, the White Swords may retain or be granted certain titles.

kingsguard armor game of thrones

The knights of the Kingsguard are forbidden to marry, father children, and to hold land. When an invalid Kingsguard knight is incapable of performing his duties, they are taken up by his sworn brothers. A Kingsguard knight serves for life, regardless of age or any physical or mental ailments. The Kingsguard is composed of seven men, all of them sworn knights.

  • 6.3 Aegon VI Targaryen (300 AC-Present).
  • 6.1 Daenerys I Targaryen (298 AC-Present).
  • 5.3 Tommen I Baratheon (300 AC-Present).

  • Kingsguard armor game of thrones